In August we organised a community information session outlining the poor water quality of our local streams and the flow-on effect this had on Waitaramoa/Hobson Bay. Since then we’ve continued to work with many groups to progress and highlight the issue.
This has resulted in the production of a flyer detailing safety guidelines for the area. We encourage you to share the information with anyone who would benefit from knowing about our local environmental issues. Most importantly, please share this with friends, family and neighbours who enjoy the use of the bay and its surrounds.
Many groups have come together to ensure you have this information. This flyer has been created with the support of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Waitematā Local Board, Ōrākei Local Board, Hapua Thrive, Cr Desley Simpson, Cr Pippa Coom, Watercare and Auckland Council. We would like to thank them all for their involvement.
Sewage contamination in the streams flowing into Waitaramoa/Hobson Bay and Ōrākei Basin
What’s the issue?
Sewage (wastewater) is contaminating the streams flowing into Hobson Bay and Ōrākei Basin in all weather.
What are Auckland Council and Watercare doing about this?
Auckland Council and Watercare are working to identify and fix the most urgent problems. Water quality is being regularly monitored however the problems will take some time to fix. Until this happens, please take extra precautions around the streams and Waitaramoa/ Hobson Bay.
Public health warning signs have been placed at key locations advising the area is not safe for swimming, other water activities or collection of and eating of kaimoana.
Significant investment by Auckland Council and Watercare is currently being proposed to address the long-term problems but it will take over a decade to make the major improvements needed.
What do you need to know to keep safe?
We recommend only swimming at Safeswim sites ( when it is safe to do so. The nearest safeswim sites are at Ōkahu Bay and at Taurarua/Judges Bay.
Treat the streams flowing into Waitaramoa/Hobson Bay and Ōrākei Basin as potentially contaminated by sewage (wastewater) at all times. This includes Newmarket Stream, Hapua Stream, Portland Road Stream, Waiata Stream and Ōrākei Creek. The water quality in Pourewa Creek is good in dry weather but potentially poor within 48 hours of any rain.
Do not play in or around the affected streams. It is recommended you never swim in any urban stream. If you touch the water in the affected streams it is strongly recommended that you wash or sanitize your hands and anything that has come into contact with the water straight away.
Keep children and dogs out of the water at all times.
It is recommended you do not swim in Hobson Bay at any time at present. While the water quality at Tinana’s/Wilson’s Beach is usually good, the water quality in other parts of the bay is variable.
Kayaking and other on-water activities within Waitaramoa/Hobson bay are generally low-risk during dry weather but should be avoided within 48 Hours of rainfall. Please take more caution near where streams enter the bay.
Treat Ōrākei Basin with caution within 48 hours of rainfall. During dry weather the basin is safe for recreational use.
Please observe all warning signs. Please contact Auckland Council Environmental Health on 09 301 0101 if signs have been damaged or removed.
What would help?
You can help by keeping yourself safe, letting others know and reporting any pollution you see or smell on 09 377 3107.
Have your say on the Long-Term Plan for Auckland Council ( between 22 February 2021 through to 22 March 2021, which will include major projects to help resolve these issues.
Find out more: call 09 301 0101